About Us

Welcome to Himalaya College of Professional Education

Himalaya College of Professional Education teach our students to look out for fellow humans, respect national unity and global harmony, learn new concepts quickly and effectively, and finally, to complete the cycle of give and take by reciprocating and returning to the world.It is among the pioneer institutions in the country to offer Vocational education and seeks to break new ground by bridging the gap between traditional University education and changing socio-economic environment

Himalaya College of Professional Education teach our students to look out for fellow humans, respect national unity and global harmony, learn new concepts quickly and effectively, and finally, to complete the cycle of give and take by reciprocating and returning to the world .It is among the pioneer institutions in the country to offer Vocational education and seeks to break new ground by bridging the gap between traditional University education and changing socio-economic environment. The Vocational courses enable a student to interweave general education with work oriented skills and knowledge. Student need and industry requirements are at the core of our philosophy and every aspect is built around this. The institute beli eves in making a rich learning environment where students are aided by exponents in their innovative ventures. Himalaya College of Professional Education focuses on the holistic development of students both within and outside the classrooms.

We provides an environment which is conducive for personal and intellectual growth. The infrastructure acts as a facilitator for the effective delivery of the curriculum. Himalaya College of Professional Education boasts of state-of-the-art facilities for its students. They are given allmost encouragement in their areas of interest by providing hi-tech facilities backed by faculty support.
